Monday, March 29, 2010

Digital Nation Essay

In the film Digital Nation, the filmmakers look at how digital technology and being wired all the time effects each slice of our population. The film jumped from MIT students to South Korean youth, a middle school in the Bronx to online gamers, corporations to the US Military, where drone pilates can blow up targets thousands of miles away, only to drive home later for dinner with their families.

Now that we've viewed and discussed the film, I want to know where you fit into all of this. What is your relationship with digital technology? How do you use it to interact with other people? Do you feel that it's healthy, unhealthy or somewhere in between?

Write a paragraph in your blog answering the above questions.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Digital Nation

We are watching the PBS documentary Digital Nation in class. There will be a quiz on the film, so if you missed any of it you will want to watch it on your own.

Watch the movie here:

1. What university is the seeting for the beginning of the film?

2. What Asian country embraced the digital revolution heavily and is now dealing with the fallout?

3. An urban school was featured in the film. Where is the school located, what is the age group, and what are they doing there?

4. What is the name of the virtual world where players can do almost anything you do in real life, as well as fly?

5. A virtual representation of yourself is called a(n) ________.

6. How is the military using digital technology?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Power Point

Black History Power Point

Pick a black Historical figure

• Title Page with Picture

• Introduction – one picture with one sentence about the person.

• Birth, growing up

• Influences – picture and list (or background info on time period)

• Major accomplishment/movements/events
• 3 slides minimum

• Influence – how has this person influenced those who came after them

Picture on each slide – lots of pictures – keep words to a minimum