Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wordle your favorite song

Even if you don't know what the word "visualization" means, we've all seen them before. The first example that comes to mind is a pie chart or bar graph. Basically, a visualization is a way of showing information visually.

Visualizations can make a website or blog more interesting. One type we see a lot today are word clouds, basically a collage of words that are used in the site.

  1. Find the lyrics to you favorite song. Highlight the text and copy.
  2. You will need to edit out any profanity. To do this, paste into a word documented and get rid of the naughty words. Copy the newly edited text.
  3. Go to www.wordle.net
  4. Paste the text into the text field and hit Submit.
  5. Play around a little bit!
  6. Click "Publish to Public Gallery" in the bottom right of the page.
  7. Highlight and copy the code (text) below your word cloud
  8. Paste the code into a blog post. You will have to delete the extra spaces in order to get the picture to show up when you publish.
    Wordle: war pigs

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