Monday, March 29, 2010

Digital Nation Essay

In the film Digital Nation, the filmmakers look at how digital technology and being wired all the time effects each slice of our population. The film jumped from MIT students to South Korean youth, a middle school in the Bronx to online gamers, corporations to the US Military, where drone pilates can blow up targets thousands of miles away, only to drive home later for dinner with their families.

Now that we've viewed and discussed the film, I want to know where you fit into all of this. What is your relationship with digital technology? How do you use it to interact with other people? Do you feel that it's healthy, unhealthy or somewhere in between?

Write a paragraph in your blog answering the above questions.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate myself really well to Digital Nation. I mostly consider myself as a middle school student. In my life school is always based in technology, either we watch a movie or do trivia questions for an exam the next day. My life is surrounded by technology which makes my relationship with technology very close. The way that I interact with people through internet is through your regular aim, facebook, twitter, etc. I defenitely do not think that technology is healthy. We are always occupied by what is around use that we never have time to live our daily lives. We are either worried about people's text, or somebody calling you. For example in Digital Nation a young woman quit her job just so that she can be an all time world of warcraft player. I have to admit i enjoy world of warcraft but i do not see myself quiting my job to play it full time. Being deep into the internet can make you choose crazy options
