Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oil Gyser in the Gulf

If you've been watching the news - or if you're alive at all - you've probably heard of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Find an article about the spill. Using the article, answer the following questions and post a link to the article you used.

1. How big is the spill estimated to be?
2. What company is in charge of cleaning up the spill?
3. What are some of the methods they have tried to stop the "leak".
4. Is there oil on the beaches on the Gulf Coast?
5. How are the surrounding communities affected?
6. Do you think we should allow drilling in our coastal waters.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Purdue university in west Lafayette,ind said that based on videos released Tuesday he estimated that the well was spewing at 95.000 barrels, or 4million gallons,of oil a day into the gulf ,and BP's estimate that only 5.000 barrels of oil are leaking daily from a well in the gulf of Mexico.
    2. BP;s the one in charge of cleaning up the spill.

    3. methods they used were tools for the job include under water robots, golf balls, shredded tires,knotted pieces of rope, a four-story concrete dome and a similar one dubbed "top hat".

    4. yes there is oil in the beaches in the gulf coast.

    5. the surrounding communities were affected because people could no longer go fishing.

    6. no i dont think they should drill because something else could go wrong again an many animals are dying well fishes an seafood an people aren't able to go fishing.
